Structured Journalism

Can we empower journalists with better ways of working with information, beyond the headline and text of a story?

Published: 27 September 2020


A structured approach to reporting the facts and constructing journalistic narratives.


BBC News Labs is on a mission to find pragmatic and practical ways to structure journalism narratives, in order to help news organisations curate stories that scale, adapt and connect across platforms and use cases.

We are experimenting and learning about how audiences and journalists can best use the idea of modular journalism.

Some of the questions we are answering

  • Can we empower journalists with better ways of working with information, beyond the headline and text of a story?
  • How might we scale a Structured Journalism approach across 1,000s of journalists, organisations, and make it "of the web"?
  • How might expressing journalism in a new medium affect our output and processes?
  • Can this approach help us focus more on informing the public on the platforms and devices they use, at scale, without having to curate for every possible display?

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